Workout Warrior

Workout Warrior

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Three Day Weekend!

Ever since I have been starting the Live Fit Trainer, I have really been trying to eat more clean protein and whole grains. My sore muscles crave it. Tonight I came across a recipe I had to try, Pumpkin Meatloaf.
1 1/2 cups pumpkin
1 pound lean ground beef or turkey (I used turkey)
1/4 cup egg beaters or 1 egg
1/2 tsp of each cinnamon, chili powder, salt and pepper
Bake for 40 minutes at 375
This was by far the easiest recipe to make. The outcome..tastey but next time I need to put in some chopped celery and onion and it will be perfect! I topped it for dinner with some BBQ sauce, baked veggies and crackers topped with crunchy almonds.
My upper body was pretty sore today from my last two workouts (shoulders and biceps) so I spinned for 50 minutes this morning and called it good. I really should have just taken a rest day because the spinning really wore me down. My body is just not used to all this weight lifting, and adding the cardio on top of it just makes it that much more hard to deal with.
I looked ahead and Phase 3 for Jamie's plan and I can tell you right now, for me the plan is not realistic at all. It calls for six days of weight training on top of four days of HITT along with Carb cycling. Um right! Seriously I don't know how someone could weight lift for 6 days a week plus high intense intervals and live off 1,500 calorie a day diet. I know the plan is to get you lean, but I know my body and if I were to be on a workout plan plus meal plan that like, I would be feeling like a train hit me. I will probably just do the workouts and 5 days a week and call it good. Even Phase 2 calls for six days of weight lifting...I have been doing a lot of reading on weight lifting and most experts say that if you are able to workout 6 days in a row then you are just not working hard enough..I agree with this 100%! Cardio I could do six days in a row, weight lifting heavy my body screams rest.
In other news, this weekend I started "The Girls with the Dragon Tatto." I know the movie is out but I am determined to read it before I spoil it with a movie. The first 100 pages were hard to get into, but now I am hooked solid!
Finally, my Mom and I went shopping today and I came across this cute little wonder at Express...guess where I will be wearing it bachelorette party next weekend. Almost a month and I will be Mrs. Kwapnioski!!!!
Do you ever have negative feelings towards workout plans found on websites or in magazines?
What is a new recipe you have tried?


  1. Yeah I can never really follow workout plans from magazines, or marathon training plans...I just make up my own as I go and make it work for me! Often times it's this way because my work schedule is so difficult to fit normal stuff in every day.

  2. PS cute dress, have fun at your bachelorette!! Can't believe it's only a month left!!

  3. yay one month :)

    I am really hoping to keep up with the LifeFit trainer, but we will see.. My body also feels like I got hit with a train... but it has gotten better. I haven't been following a meal plan at all.. kinda whatever I want to eat I eat it kinda deal.. prob not a good idea.

  4. I sometimes look at magazines for inspiration, but I don't follow those plans... I like to take bits and pieces from them instead
    Cute dress too! I am rather obsessed with express :)
