Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy looking at these magazines, but I have to remind myself to have a healthy mindset when looking at them. Many of these fitness models are paid to look this way, it is their job. Also, they do not look like this 100% of the time. It is not healthy for your body to stay at such a low body fat. Being obsessive about my food has taught me a lot about portion sizes, so much that when I go out to eat I can pretty much now how much I should take by eyeing it. I have learned that just because you order a salad does not mean it is healthier then ordering the grilled chicken sandwich. I have learned that most importantly it is calories in verses calories out, your body will gain weight if you eat an extra 3,000 calories of protein powder or if you eat an extra 3,000 calories of chips.
I actually do enjoy Oxygen and fitness mags because they show girls with more meat on them then most other fitness magazines, approaching a healthier lifestyle of eating right and exercising in moderation. It become unhealthy when you take this lifestyle to the extreme.
Do you ever strive for perfection?
What do you do to help you keep your eating habits and exercise routines in moderation?
Wow, what a great post! I tell myself the same - models and actresses and other celebs get PAID to look the way they do. They gym might as well be their full-time job! I'm a little jealous - I'd love that much time to work out (because I really enjoy it) - but at the end of the day, I'm happy. Definitely not perfect, but happy!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! This has been on my mind a lot too. I do tend to strive for perfection, even though I know I shouldn't because I won't look like those models in the magazines. This is a big reason why I read healthy living blogs- it shows how real women stay in shape without spending hours upon hours in the gym. Would I love to look like them? Uhm- yes please! But, I know its an unrealistic goal that I shouldn't set for myself. I try to keep my exercise routines, and the amount of time I work out in moderation by telling myself that another hour isn't going to get me the body I want that much quicker.
ReplyDeleteWhat an honest post, that I think a lot of women struggle with. I know I've gone through phases like that. I think now I have it under control because I've educated myself about true health and realize that those habits were only going to hurt me down the road. Not to say that I don't sometimes struggle with thoughts of not being good enough or wanting to look like women in magazines, but I think it's a lot better and I can appreciate all my body does for me, not just the way it looks!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this post, love your honesty.
ReplyDeleteYou have come a long way and I'm sure that the struggle has not just completely disappeared, but rather is something to deal with on a daily basis. The difference is that you are aware of it now and you are so much stronger and are kicking it's butt! I have plenty of internal struggles as well.
Awesome post!! I went through the exact same thing. Ridiculously high amounts of working out paired with ridiculously low food intake wreaked havoc on my body, but I thought that I was on my way to perfection since that's what all the magazines told me to do. I never found perfection, I never found happiness.. until I made peace with working out and food. I'm so glad I've figured out how to take care of myself and what perfect really is - being beautiful on the inside, giving my body what it asks for, and loving myself as I am!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you commented on my blog because it led me to yours!
ReplyDeleteVery inspirational story-- I feel like so many of us fall into the habit of "striving for perfection" and are often let down when we dont see "perfect" results.
Congratulations on being able to accept imperfection :D
i think a lot of women really do suffer from this including myself. i continue to suffer from this and its generally how i see myself negatively not everyone else. it also comes from comparing yourself to those women on fitness mags. we have to remember that they have people who cook for them, help them work out but it is so hard to sometimes!
ReplyDeletethis is a great post and extremely honest which i appreciate it! very open and beautiful.