I did do some research on this program the past few nights and discovered that a lot of endurance runners incorporate some of the Insanity videos into their workouts to help with speed and agility. So I figured it would give me a shot. Well it kicked my rear into gear. I completed the 45 minute Plyo workout. The DVD consisted of Mountain Climbers, Squat Jumps, Jumping Jacks, Push Ups and many more high intense cardio moves. I did like how every 10 minutes or so there would be a water break for about 30 seconds. Also, half way through the video there is a short stretching session.
Yes, this was an awesome workout, but parts of it was just to hard and almost impossible for me to accomplish. Really, I was on my knees thinking "are you kidding me??" I do think if I continue this, it will get a little easier so I think that I might be sticking with it. The only downfall is being sore, I am laying on the couch with swollen legs as I type. What do I expect for jazzing up my workout? I figure I might add in this Pylo workout plus the Extreme Cardio workout once a week into my routine. The other days I can focus more on cycling, running, and some light weight lifting.

I always feel like I'm stuck in a rut, workout wise. But since running is my love, I just mix up my running workouts instead. I'd like to try one of these insanity type workouts just to see how hard they are! I did P90x once and nearly died!
wow! you are awesome for taking on this workout! sounds so intense! I really can see the benefits though. this summer my goal is definitely to switch up my workouts more and CHALLENGE myself! thanks for sharing about these workouts :) have a wonderful night!