Today was my Aunt's funeral. It happened to be bittersweet. It was sad to say good-bye and the service was very emotional, but at the same time it was comforting to have closure and also to see family that I have not seen for years.
My cousin Robby and his wife alongside their two little pups
Us cousins after the funeral service. The only male in the picture is my brother, yup 6ft tall...a big boy and we are not quite sure where he gets it from.
My cousin Christy and I. Christy lives in LA and it has been about 15 years since I have seen her. Luckily, we have kept in pretty good contact through Facebook.
On another note "Happy National Running Day!" Sadly, my legs were still shot from Monday to run anything today. I am hoping for Friday or even Saturday...if not start fresh on Monday. My shins are really sore and my legs are stiff. I did manage to pull off some cross training, 30 minutes on the Elliptical and 15 minutes on the bike followed by 20 minutes of upper body lifting. I have noticed a trend with my legs after a hard run outside, they can take days to recover but I just have to grin and bear it and listen to my body.
After the funeral, Craig and I ran a few errands. He had to go get a tux for an upcoming wedding we have on Saturday and then we stopped to stalk up on veggie seeds for our garden. It was nice to spend a weekday with Craig, he usually works Monday through Friday so we enjoyed the weekday together. Now, keep in mind this is supposed to be my first full week of summer and my schedule is already crammed. This is how the rest of my week looks:
Thursday-up at the elementary school for plan time for summer school till 12, lunch date with my friend Maggie and 12:30, run by the mall to pick up a dress for the wedding, stop by and pick up Craig's tux, puppy class at 7:30
Friday-Summer plan time till noon, drive back to Blair and be ready to leave for Valentine NE by 1:00, be in Valentine NE by 6:00 for reception dinner
Saturday-Wedding in Valentine
Sunday-Drive back to Blair, prepare for tutoring and summer school on Monday
Um....where is my pool time in this hectic week???
Below is a pic of Craig and I's beloved garden, keep in mind these are starting pics. We spent all evening outdoors planting tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, red peppers, green beans, and lettuce...this will be a field of heaven for me!! We got lucky and one of Craig's customers loaned us the land to plant on for the summer.
Questions: How long does it take you to recover from a race??
Have you ever attempted a garden before??
I'm sorry for your loss. :(
ReplyDeleteAfter a half it takes me a couple of days to recover. I try to take it easy.
Just last week I planted a tomato plant and green pepper plant into pots in my apartment. I live in a loft so I have huge windows. So far so good! I would love to have a real garden someday though.
My brother is the same way...always the tall one in pics. he is like 6'5" or something. HUGE basically.
ReplyDeleteIt usually takes me a few days to recover but depending on the race I can often do an easy run the next day just to loosen up my legs!
I cannot wait to have a garden some day! I live in an apt right now so no garden yet but some day!
Sounds like you had such a busy week...hope you can relax some this upcoming weekend!
Sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteI have been on summer break for two weeks now, and I have been on-the-go the whole time. I love it though!