It is Thursday and for some reason there seems to be a lot on my I thought why not share at least 10 of these things this Thursday through a here goes!
1. How excited I am to see Craig. It has been 5 days since I have seen my guy. I have been out of town for a conference returned last night, and he had to leave to go for a meeting out of town last night. 
I miss this guy!!
2. What I need to start bringing on my trip to Costa Rica, Craig and I leave in a week and a pumped and excited!!

3. How sore I will be from today's workout. I tried the arms/shoulders workout from p90x. Overall the workout was not that difficult, but I have a feeling I will still be sore..there were some moves I have never done before.
4. If I should run a 5 miler tomorrow or shoot for a 6...I know just one mile but it can make a difference, my legs were to sore from p90x yoga to run today...I know YOGA!
5. This killer heat wave coming through Omaha/Blair, today and tomorrow near 100 degrees...hello pool!
6. Today is our last day of summer school...a whole 3 weeks away from kids until I start summer camp for a week...hmmm I probably should have taken more time off this summer but I need the money.
7. We take Cooper in to get neutered next week :( I hope he is okay and recovered by the end of the week, we are taking him off to my parents while we are in Costa Rica.
8. How much I am looking forward to a great weekend on the lake with Craig, friends and Cooper to celebrate the 4th.
9. Weather or not to take a full week off from working out when on vacation. I know my body can use it, but I also know the hotel probably has a sweet gym...I mean if it has got seven bars....
10. How I am going to keep myself busy for the next three hours of this day. Since this is our last day of summer school, we are here till 2 and all my work is it might just be!!
So as you can see I have a lot on my mind, but most of it is quite exciting and not very stressful.
In other news I am really taking a liking to this yoga thing. Yesterday I took a break from the gym and opted for a light walk with Cooper. I attempted some p90x yoga and really enjoyed it, but I won't lie it became pretty hard. I only made it through the first 35 minutes and my legs were shaking. I stopped due to the fact that it was defeating the whole purpose of me having a rest day.
After yoga I put together a new routine incorporating running/p90x/ and Insanity...a little bit of everything you might say. I might get a good run at it starting next week, but after that I am planning on taking a break during my vaca and then I will start it out when I return. Here is the rundown:
Monday: 3-4 mile easy run, p90x arms/shoulders
Tuesday: Insanity pylo along with cardio abs
Wednesday: Rest or p90x yoga
Thursday: 3-4 mile easy run or elliptical, p90x chest and back
Friday: Kenpo X or Cardio Max plus cardio abs
Saturday: 5-6 mile run
Sunday: 0ff
As you can see from my plans I am allowing myself to rest days. I was a little worried about adding in the runs alongside of a p90x workout, but I was fine today starting my workout with a 40 minute cardio session followed by the arms and shoulders workout. Now keep in mind I am using 8-10 pound dumbbells with these dvds so it is not overly intense. I am super excited to start this new routine...mainly because I can keep my endurance up to around 5-6 miles, work on some lifting and also incorporate some circut cardio with Insanity.
What are your thoughts on my new workout plan, too much??
What are you thinking of this Thursday??