I don't know about you guys, but whenever I log in to my blog and see I have a new follower I get so giddy! I love getting new readers!! This weekend I have been loving my turkey bacon like no other. So easy to make for a quick lunch or dinner.

I have also been continuing to make some scrumptious pumpkin pancakes, can't get enough of these babies. Tonight for dinner I mixed chicken with veggies, ginger, soy sauce and peanut flour for an Asian dish.
This weekend was one busy weekend. Yesterday, Craig and I left our place at 6am to head down to the stadium for the Nebraska verse Michigan game. Now I am not a die heart football fan, so getting up so early for football seemed pretty ridiculous to me. We had friends who were in town, so we were obligated to show up.
I can tell you one thing, I am no longer a trooper like my collage days. We started the festivities around 9am. Being around friends and drinks all afternoon, I admit that I was horrible about remembering to eat. It was four o'clock in the afternoon when I realized that I had not ate since breakfast and all I had on hand was a Kashi Granola Bar in my purse. We were on campus, so food places are miles away in walking distance. Around 6pm Craig and I decided we were shot and headed home....returning to my car we found that we had left my lights on this morning so my battery was shot. An hour later we managed to find someone with jumper cables to restart my car. 9pm we were home and hungry. I basically just slabbed together what I could from my fridge and ate then headed to bed.
This morning I woke up pretty groggy with an upset tummy. Yeah Chels that is what you get for eating nothing the entire day and having a few beers..not wise. I made some oats and headed to the gym for a light elliptical/cycle workout. I felt 100% better after my workout. The rest of the afternoon was spent grading papers and making Halloween treat baggies for my kids. I can't believe tomorrow is Halloween already!!
Well in the fitness area of my life, things were looking up with my ankle. I attempted my mile run on Thursday which turned into two miles, bad idea. Yes, I felt good during my run but immediately afterwords my ankle begun to swell and throb...I pushed myself too hard. Friday I took it to the pool and Saturday back on the elliptical. After today's workout, really no pain whatsoever. As I step into this week, I know I have to just take it a lot slower with the running...might go for the whole walk/run intervals. The positives about my ankle continuing to flare up on me is that it is now starting to get cold, so there are less races around to participate in. I am hoping by Spring I will be back in the game.
Any fun Halloween plans?
What could you do more of when you were younger that you are now finding harder?
Watching Japanese Grudge right now.. fun for some I guess D: D: D: gahhhh
ReplyDeleteI could swim faster when I was younger. It sucks. But I'm determined to pick up my pace.
I'm with you on the not eating thing... even if it's only a few hours and I haven't eaten I'm a grump and don't feel good
I could do lots of stuff when I was younger and nothing now :P having kids is all about them so life is different, but now I get to watch logan do all the fun stuff, so that's fun in itself. I am taking the little one trick or treating tonight and I also get excited when I get new followers!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteDay drinking is nearly impossible these days, my body just can't handle it like I would during football games at UVa! But that's ok, usually there isn't much good that comes out of day drinking. But I know what you mean about feeling sick after not having enough food in your stomach alll day. Made my tummy ache just hearing about it! But I'm glad you're feeling better now.
ReplyDeleteNo plans for halloween, just hanging around! We had a big halloween party at my friend's house on Saturday night.
Love pumpkin pancakes!!
ReplyDeleteMmmm pumpkin pancakes are so so good :) I can never day drink.. I have done it a few times and end up getting sleepy and sick early in the night haha lame but true
ReplyDeleteNo plans for Halloween, I did at least go out on Friday though
Aw man - your ankle is seriously giving you trouble! Don't be afraid to take it slow. It's best to let it heal so you don't have more problems in the future!
ReplyDeleteI would not have done well with not eating all day. I don't even know how people skip breakfast! How I used to do that, I don't know!
Sounds like a really long day!! I can no longer hang either!! I get so tired. It's tough getting old (I'm the same age as you)!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome you were at the Nebraska game! I was shocked at how early the game started, I think it started at like 11 AM or something! Bummer about not eating much during the day, sometimes I forget about that too while tailgating.
ReplyDeleteBummer about the ankle acting up, hopefully it calms down as you ease back into running. Run/walk intervals might help to gradually strengthen it.