Workout Warrior

Workout Warrior

Friday, September 23, 2011

They are Done!!

Yes! The week is over and our engagement photo session is done! Here are two sample pics above, more to come :) Yesterday, I had to take a personal day off to make time to get my hair and make up done. I can tell you one thing, I am not a girly girl and I have never had my make-up done. My stylist actually put fake eye lashes on me, they looked pretty good! Our session started at 4:00pm and went till about 8:30. By the end of the night, I was exhausted and I am sure some of those photos were horrible. Changing and running from one place to the other really beat me down. Plus...did I tell you we had our puppy Cooper too, that was a workout in itself trying to keep him still.
Returning to school today, I had about 200 papers awaiting my red check mark-blah! I managed to hit the YMCA after school again and completed a mile swim in about 50 minutes plus some killer ab work. Wednesday I cycled for about 45 min. and my ankle was still bothering me...grrr. I am walking with no pain, but any type of activity on it, I can immediately start to feel the annoyance, that it what it is more annoying then anything else. Looks like tomorrow it will be another 30 min. drive to the other YMCA to swim, our pool is STILL NOT FIXED!
Okay, time for some positive talk. The good thing about working out after work is being able to let go of all my stress from the day and also not having to start my day exhausted from waking up at 4:30am in the morning. But, I am still sold on my morning workouts and will return to them as soon as our pool is fixed.
Tomorrow is Husker Football Day!! A few of us couples are going to a bar to watch the game and then off to hear the band we hired for our wedding play.
Any football plans for the weekend?
What do you prefer, morning or after work workouts?


  1. Go Lions!! That is my football plans...yes I am a Lions fan and I am enjoying something to cheer about LOL...

    I am completely an afternoon workout type of guy...never been much for morning anything....

  2. Ahhh I love the pics! I am totally not a girly girl either so getting my hair and makeup done for prom was kind of nice.

    I definitely prefer morning workouts. I like to have it out of the way, no anxiety about when or what I'm doing. Though I have to workout in the afternoon for practice, so I'm used to it. During the weekends however, I like to get it done asap!

  3. Those pictures look great, can't wait to see the rest!

  4. Those pictures are SO cute!! I love them!! :)

    I never do hair or makeup either LOL... I'm a total tomboy.

  5. Those pics are so look stunning!

    I SO WISH I could do morning workouts. I'm terrible. I actually like working out after relieves stress....

    Get UP & Go
