This past weekend most of the time was spent by moving into our new apartment and cleaning out the old this is such a process. I did find some time to throw in some wine on Friday night, my bestie came into town to visit :)
Jane and I Friday night
Jane and I have been friends since high school. The nice thing about her is that we can go months without seeing each other and just pick up where we left off. We had a wonderful night out catching up over some wine.
Saturday was spent recovering a little in the morning from wine (luckily an off day from my running) and my parents came over to help me move. My Mom spent more time with Cooper than she did helping me.
My Mom and Cooper on the couch having fun
Sunday I got up and started my day out with an 8 1/2 mile long run. Cooper woke me up at 6am barking his head off so I figured I would get my run in before church. On Friday I was not feeling quite up to par, my throat hurt a little and I thought I might be overdoing things a little. I thought I would take it easy and if my body could do the run than I would let it. I did not increase it to 9, which I know I could have finished but I was running low on time and I really wanted to shower before lunch. The run went awesome! No pain in my hip and my energy seemed to restored-might have been from all the extra wine and popcorn I had Friday night he he he.
After church Cra
ig and I headed out for some basic needs for our apartment. Given that I on my own can fill up my fridge and freezer, we went seeking for a portable freezer.
My small stuffed Freezer and overloaded cabinets
Our new portable mini freezer :)

After finding our freezer we both have been meaning to check out what everyone is so worked up over, Costco. I feel in love instantly. I mean who wouldn't when you can buy huge bags of peppers, boxes of oats, bags of salad. This was my dream come true. I am always complaining because it seems like every other day I am running to the store to pick up lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, etc. The value packs are just what I need. Sign me up, and that is what we did!
My love, mini peppers...YUM!!
So yes, much accomplished this weekend. Now, like I said I have never lived with anyone before so all my selfish vices are kind of having to go. For example, taking up all the cupboard space with all of my protein powder and canned veggies, and taking up two full closets for all of my clothes. I feel a little sorry for Craig, but come on what do you expect moving in with a girl.
Friday we have off for school...yeah!! My friend just found out she is prego so we are headed for dinner to celebrate. I have a long run of 9 miles scheduled for Friday. I am positive that I can accomplish this. Is it sad when I have a day off from work that I get excited to have a long run?? Todays workout consisted of a good strong 5 miler and a 5 minute cool down on the bike. My goal was to hit two 5.5 milers this week, but completing my long run on Sunday kind of messed with my schedule this week. I needed yesterday as a recovery day x training instead of a running day. That is the thing, with my weekly milage I have kind of just been tweaking my runs to whatever day works. As of now I am still hitting about 20 miles a week (30-35 if you count the elliptical work and bike work) and I have hit all my long runs.
Questions to Ponder...
When living with your significant other, who takes up more space?
What do you do on your days off?
If you go to Costco, what is your favorite item to buy?
Congrats on moving in with your guy! It is a big step and can be so much fun! I think in my relationship we take up pretty much equal space! On my days off I go grocery shopping, hang with my nephew and relax. I've never been to Costco because there isn't one too close. I've heard it's great though!!