Thursday, March 31, 2011
Operation Rest!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Why Can't All Weekends Be 3 Days??
So I continued my day with shopping at Target and meeting up with my Mom for Coffee at Scooters. Craig came home later and surprised me with FRESH Trout. I love every kind of fish from salmon, trout, shrimp, tilapia, catfish...if it is sea food it will be in my stomach.
I enjoyed the trout with some green beans and flat bread. Sorry the pic is a little blurry from the steam. We broiled it in the oven and put Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper on it to season it. Yes, that is is my #1 condiment.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Rethinking my Race
I love running, but for me I love the 7-8 miler as oppossed to the 10-11 miler. So I ask myself again, why am I doing this half if I hate running longer distances, to prove something? Well that could be the case, but who do I have this to prove to besides myself. My friends and family are going to love me no matter if I run a Half Marathon or a 10k. They know my desire to run is high, and that I am dedicated to running. So yes, you can see where this is going....I think I am going to be changing my race to a 10k.
Another factor that has played into this decision is that I have dealt with low blood sugar for many years. My blood sugar levels have been very well for the past year up until most recently. I have started to notice a drop in the mornings after and during my workouts. I become shakey and very fatigued. I know there are ways around this, finding different foods that might work, or I might just not be eating enough to fuel my training, or my body is telling me "This is too much!" Having these blood sugar attacks scares the heck out of me and causes me to become very anxious during my workouts. I have dealt with this several times when training for a long distance event, and to be honest each time it has caused me to quit training. This is something I would just not rather deal with.
So yes, my decision is to stick to 10ks. Improve my 10ks and enjoy my weekend 7-8 miler runs. My runs will probably stay the same each week, just decrease my long run on the weekend. Maby one day, I will decide to attempt the half again. I think I just need some time to adapt to increasing my miles itself and move on from there. I love racing and the challange, so this is not considered the end but the beginning.
If anything I feel a little like I did not accomplish what I had set out to do, but than again I have learned in my past to put my health and myself first and then let running come into play.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Made it Outdoors
The week ahead of me sounds pretty good. Now that the weather is nicer, getting up early and going to school is more pleasurable. The kids love recess, as do I. Friday I am taking a personal day and plan to get a good 10.5 or 11 miler in. Saturday Craig and I are going to see KENNY CHESNEY! I am so pumped. I have now seen him three times, but it never gets old. Craig surprised me with tickets for a Valentine's Gift. I love concerts, and the drinks that come with them :)
Who is your favorite person to see in concert?
Do you do all your runs inside or stick to outside only?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Excited for What Is To Come
1. Increase my calorie intake
2. Take a rest day
3. Take a second look at how much running I am doing
So that is exactly what I am going to do. I ate about three extra peices of fruit today added into my breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am taking a rest day tomorrow other than walking Cooper after work. Also, not pushing myself to complete two six milers, a three miler and a 10 miler in one week. Don't think my body is quite ready for it yet.
Depending on how I feel on Thursday, I would like to try an outside run for five miles. I am pretty nervous about this because I am seem to always get shin splints when first starting to run outside, and two because I run at 4:30 in the morning, still dark and scary out. Errrrr....we may just have to wait until Saturday when I can run when the sun is out.
In other news SPRING is finally here. 50 degrees today, 60 tomorrow...woot woot I have got spring fever.
This is why I love spring:
-Baseball games
-Running outside in shorts/t-shirts
-My Birthday (April 27th)
-Spring Break (he he he)
-2 1/2 months until summer (he he he)
-Spring cleaning (yes I do enjoy cleaning when it is nice out)
-Being able to take Cooper out and not have to dress for the artic
-Starting to see the green of the world again
What do you like best about Spring?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Just a Quick Brag
Sometimes runs at the start make me think "what type of crazy person am I to put myself through this, nobody is telling me I have to do this." After the run, I remember why I run. How much clearer my mind feels, how great I feel that I accomplished something I set out to do. Running is my sanity, and as hard as it may be sometimes I don't think I could ever let it go.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
A Lazy Day Well Needed
What a lazy Saturday this has been, but a well needed one indeed. For some reason this week my sleep has been horrible. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night I awoke around 3 in the morning and was not able to fall back asleep. Thank goodness Friday was a staff development day and no kids. My training this week:
Thursday-X train 50 minutes elliptical/bike
Eating too much of my sugar free jello

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
All About Chels
A-Always on time or at least 15 minutes early for everything, TYPE A, Attemping a Half Marathon now
B-Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day (I eat three times in the morning-before I work out, afterwords, and right when I get to school) Born in Iowa, Blair is where I live now
C-Craig is my wonderful loving boyfriend, country music lover
D-dishes have to be done before I leave the house at all time
E-enjoys wasting away my evening with blogging and reading
F-first running race was a 5 mile run for Charity
G-Great at giving advice, not well at taking it
H-Hope to one day complete a marathon
I-Ice Cream favorite is Cold Stone Cookie Dough
J-Junk food favorites consist of ice cream blizzards, pizza and wine
K-Karaoke, love it but horrible at it
L-Loves four wheeling on the river
M-Morning person as opposed to night
N-Never wears heels to work, too lazy from the gym , Nike Tempo short lover (I want all the colors) Neon color lover
O-Out of bed every morning of the week to start my workouts by 4:30am, Oatmeal obsessed
P-Pet named Cooper, Golden and very cute :) , Peanut butter a must
Q-Question my hair sometimes when it is left curly, looks like a afro
R-Remembers memories by taking pictures
S-Students are my number one priority, hence I am an Elementary Teacher, Sea food lover, shop aholic, sushi obsessed, shoe fetish
T-Top Gun is my favorite movie
U-Uses a computer to keep a dairy, goes back several years
V-Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday
W-Wine Nights=Saturday nights :)
X-X Ray I have never had, knock on wood
Y-Yellowfin Tuna I can eat always
Z-Zero degrees to 100 degrees, Nebraska weather
Just thought you would like to know a little bit about me!!
Well March is here, but the March weather sure is not. They are talking 1-4 inches of snow tonight, really??? I started the week off with a stellar 6 mile run on the treadmill yesterday morning. The run was hard to start, legs stiff, but somewhere near mile four my legs kicked in. That is one thing I have noticed about my running, I am always slow and stiff to start but around 3 or 4 miles, my legs FINALLY start to warm up.
Some things irked me this past weekend....
1. Craig and I went out to a fancy dinner in downtown Omaha. Well I had ordered a main salad along with Ahi Tuna added on it. Craig ordered Prime Rib. About an hour later, the manager comes up to tell us that they are out of the Prime Rib and they could substitute it for the steak. Craig agrees. Another 1/2 hour goes by and finally are meal comes. I kid you not, I had tuna with like three pieces of lettuce. Usually we are not the couple to complain, but we paid 12 bucks for a salad plus the cost of tuna. If I would have never ordered the tuna, I would have just had the three pieces of lettuce. It was pretty ridiculous, it taught us why we prefer Applebee's and Panara to restaurants like this!
2. The second thing that irked me this weekend was Craig mentioned we have a wedding across town on Friday night and a birthday celebration on Saturday night, which means two nights of staying at other places, and two nights probably not making it to bed till after 1. Immediately I thought "What about my scheduled 10 miler for Saturday?' I started to complain and ask Craig if I could get out of the wedding reception so I could do my run. Not the right thing to do! We started to talk about how running should not control my life. There will be next weekend, an he reminded me that I am a head of schedule on my plan anyways. I was very mad at myself. A time ago I always put running in place of my friends, family and other social events. I told myself I would never start that again. Running is a part of me, NOT ME. So I have coaxed myself to death saying that it is not a big deal and I can run my 10 miler next weekend, I find it hard to think that skimping on one long run when I still have about 8 weeks to train is going to set me back.
Have you ever had a bad eating experience?
Do you ever let running control your life, if so how do you learn to balance (because I need advice, I am still learning!)
Friday, March 4, 2011
What a Run Can Do
Yesterday I opted to take my rest day because I had the day off today and wanted to hit my 9 miler. The morning started out a little rough, Craig let the dog out because he was barking so I woke up to about 100 of my pictures thrown on the floor, several chewed to threads and dog do do all over the carpet. Craig walks out and is like "What is all the noise?" Then he sees the mess, whoops. Yeah whoops is right!
Luckily once I hit that treadmill all my worries flew out the door. Starting off I had a great run, I kept my pace at 10:10-10:20 the entire run and finished the 9 miles I had planned. Its amazing how an hour and half of running can just clear your mind of everything and it is a brand new day.
After my run I headed over to get my hair highlighted and now I am about ready to go and eat sushi at Blue with a couple of my friends.
Reading The Hungry Girl's Blog she admitted to a couple of confessions and I thought I would give some a try:
Confession #1: I buy way more than I need. I think sometimes I feel like there might be a depression or something and I have to stock up. Even if I already have 10 cans of tuna at home, I will still feel the need to buy more the next time I am at the store. I am working on this with the help of Craig.
Confession #2: I can wear the same pair of socks for a week straight. I am working on trying to wash them right after I wear them, but if know one can see them....who cares?
Confession #3: Sometimes I waste my time driving just to listen to music and zone out. I can drive for an extra half hour just thinking about things. I try to be more careful about this right now because of the high gas prices.
Confession #4: I re-check out old Runner's World issues monthly that I don't own from the local library. I think they know me by name now.
On another note, I was pretty happy last night when Craig came home and I was searching on my phone maps to run around the area. (Yes we still don't have the internet set up and the running watch I ordered from Amazon is too complicated to figure out at the came wtih no instructions) Anyways, Craig actually sat down and helped me. Don't get me wrong, Craig is the BEST boyfriend, supports me, takes care of me, and adores me in every possible way. But, when it comes to running he is not so sold on the idea. He ran cross country in highschool and really banged up his knees. He does not see the desire of wanting to run for hours in a day. I don't blame him, I find no desire in standing in a tree stand waiting to hunt deer To each it's own. He is also not sold on it because he knows the trouble I had before with running and how it I came down with Mono. He is just weary and does not want it to become an unhealthy obbsession with me.
The fact of the matter is, I was so happy that he sat down with me and tried for about an hour searching for routes for me to run. It just shows that even though he does not agree with the running, he is still going to accept it :) Awww :)
Question: Do you and your signifigant other have opposite hobbies? If so, do you find time to spend on each hobby or stick to doing your own?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Getting Me Through the Day

Headed to the gym and still managed to pull out a 3 mile run, 2 miles on the elliptical and a cool down for a mile on the bike. When I returned home I entered to an apartment smelling of POOH! Cooper had decided not to wait for me to return to the gym and emptied himself in my room. So a couple of minutes later, and three paper towels shoved down the toliet I turn around and there he is peeing on my kitchen floor. Give me a break Coop! Then only, this is the best, to discover he had gotten a-hold of one of my bras and chewed it to shreads :(
So with about three hours of sleep, two potty accidents, a torn up bra I headed to work. Sometimes when your mornings start out this way, the only way the day can go is up. Sleep deprived and all I made it through this afternoon. I had an observation while teaching math that went fairly well. If I have learned anything when it comes to teaching kids, using food as manipulatives keeps their minds busy. We had fun making fractions with M&Ms.
Tonight will consist of moving more boxes from Craig's place to mine and then I am placing my bum on the sofa for some relaxation.
3 Things I Wish for this Wednesday
1. I had a lifetime supply of Diet Coke
2. That my legs recovered better after runs, it is so hard for me to run several days in a row without my legs feeling so fatigued.
3. That I had enough money to pay someone to move and clean for me
Share with me some of your horrific "bad day," experiences
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday Already?
Sunday I got up and started my day out with an 8 1/2 mile long run. Cooper woke me up at 6am barking his head off so I figured I would get my run in before church. On Friday I was not feeling quite up to par, my throat hurt a little and I thought I might be overdoing things a little. I thought I would take it easy and if my body could do the run than I would let it. I did not increase it to 9, which I know I could have finished but I was running low on time and I really wanted to shower before lunch. The run went awesome! No pain in my hip and my energy seemed to restored-might have been from all the extra wine and popcorn I had Friday night he he he.