Protien Shakes and Rice Cakes
Emerald Cinnamon Roast Nuts
Sugar Free Syrup
So yes another Snow Day here in Nebraska. Usually I love snow days, but the more we get near the end of the year, the more annoying they tend to become. Here are the reasons why:
1. The more snow days we have, the more days we have ended on to the end of the year
2. When 8 year olds do not have a consistent full week of school for over a month it is hard to keep them in routine
3. I have to redo my lesson plans numerous times per week
4. I would much rather have a day off when the sun is shinning and I can go out and about rather then being cooped up inside all day
So as you can see, I would much rather be in school right now but oh well, I think I can manage.
Here are some of my workout rehaps from the past few days:
Saturday (Long Run) 6.5 miles on the Tredmill-AWESOME run!! I was very impressed with myself, the last mile I was able to keep it at a 6.4 mile pace. The best thing is that my body recovered very well from this run.
Monday: 4.5 miler on the Tredmill-legs felt great! 10 minute cool down on the stationary bike along with a 20 minute upper body chest and shoulder workout.
Today: 3 miler, 2 miler on elliptical 20 minute lower body/back weight workout
Literally, with all the snow on the ground, by the time I scrape off my car, get to the gym, change out of my boots and into my running shoes, workout, then scrape my car off again, stop off at the store to grab some ice for a protien shake and make a protien shake along with eating it, it was already NOON! Half of my morning just flew by.
I am taking the snow day in and getting things accomplished on my list to do. I cleaned my bathrooms-UCK, paid rent from my already empty bank account :(, made the boyfriend some oatmeal raison cookies, and now I am blogging and trying to force myself to grade the pile of papers awaiting me.
Up above you can see I posted some of my all time healthiest faves. These are some of the things I pretty much use daily in my kitchen. I have yet to find a better priced protien powder then Muscle Gauge, and I have also yet to find a flavor I dislike from them. Also, I eat my yogurt and oats daily...I always try to change up my breakfast routine but I always come back to my yummy, creamy oats. It sticks to my stomach like glue.
Well I could go on forever, but I must move on to accomplishing some work!
Well I could go on forever, but I must move on to accomplishing some work!
Chels :)
I eat the same protein oats every morning too!! I have oatbran with dymatize protein powder..umm.. preworkout for the last year!!