What a week it has been! My sinus infection has completely cleared up and for the first time in over a month I felt strong enough for a great real workout. As I mentioned the Doc put me on some pretty nasty antibiotics that just overall made my muscles stiff and sore. By Tuesday, my body felt back to normal again and I hit the pool again for an easy swim workout. Well...probably swimming for 40 straight minutes free-style when I have not completed a swim in over a month was probably not the smartest thing to do. Near the end of my workout, I started to feel a pinch underneath my collarbone and into my left shoulder. I continued my workout until 40 minutes had passed. I figured that I might have just not warmed up enough, when I hit the weight room to do some upper body lifting, the pinch continued. Later on that night I immediately broke out the ice packs and noticed I had some tingling running down my arm. Really...I have been out of the gym for over a month and the first real week back I get injured AGAIN! After talking with my husband, he said due to the tingling it was probably a pinched nerve and that I get it checked out by my chiropractor.Thursday I made an appointment with my chiropractor that I have not seen in over two years. He did some x-rays and said due to my symptoms, most likely is just a pinched nerve. He was also very interested in my Achilles. When I told him that I have not been able to run frequently since July, he said that was absurd. I explained to him that I can go for a good two months or so with biking/elliptical and the minute I start out with some running every other day it flares up again and I am back to icing. I told him that when I had my x-ray done that nothing showed up as of tears and the doctor said it was tendinitis. When he examined my foot, he did a pull/push type thing on it. The weird thing is when he did the same thing on my other foot, I immediately felt a little pop, not bad at all in terms of pain. He said that if my ankle was normal, I would be able to feel the pop in the other foot as well. He said it might be a joint alignment problem that is causing my Achilles to hurt. Monday I get my x-rays back and I am excited to get a treatment program that might reduce the flair ups in my ankle.
So for now, I have iced and kept up on my calf raises and I can finally cycle with no pain at all. I am staying away from any upper body lifting whatsoever until I get the xrays back. The pain is no longer noticeable in my shoulder, but it is pretty stiff. I found a bunch of strength exercises that I have started to do daily to help build up some strength using a band.
So yes, it feels like my body has been through so much in the past month or so, but I think of it this way...it will just make me that much stronger in the end. I can get through this and I will get Through this whole situation, I have really learned the importance of stretching and taking it slowly when coming back to exercise. It takes time and I need to be more patient when coming back.
In other news, I am having camera issues so I downloaded a few pics of my new loves!!
The perfect afternoon snack, I love the White Chocolate ones!!
Yes, this week our school got brand new IPADS!! Each teacher received a new one to have. We are allowed to use it for personal use and may download whatever apps we want!! This thing has been a blast to play with!
With our wedding money, I told Craig that the one thing I needed was a new blender, so NINJA was the one. I used it for the first time this morning to have a protein smoothie and I loved it. Do you prefer Apple or PC?
What is one thing you are loving lately??