After the gym, I was kept pretty busy. Craig brought home a HUGE sack of corn last night and explained the process I had to go through in order to freeze the corn for the winter-4 hours of this but I love my corn so it was worth it. Plus, how can you say no to free veggies!
1. I had to detassle all the corn, this was the worst and the messiest part
2. Stick corn in a huge pot and boil for 10 minutes
3. Right after boiling, put into ice water for another 10 minutes
4. Finally chuck corn off the cob with a knife and then place corn in freezer bags to freeze. I literally went through this process with 40 ears of corn! This took up most of my afternoon!
Tonight I am heading out to celebrate my engagement with a couple of my friends at our fav sushi place, I have been craving it all day long. Along with corn work today, I have also been busy preparing for our last summer event-FLOAT TRIP down the Nibrara River. Basically we drive 5 hours to a campsite with about 200 other people. Tomorrow night there will be a band playing and we set up our tents (this year we have a camper-ha!) and enjoy the band and socialize with drinks. Saturday we wake up pretty early, feel dozens of coolers full of beer and snacks and get on the tubs to float down the river all afternoon. By the time we return to the campgrounds, we eat and literally pass out from the sun and all the drinks. This is something that Craig has partaken in all through college, and the tradition continues on. I did tell Craig though, this will probably be my last summer going. I don't mean to be a party pooper, but I am 28 and drinking out in the sun all day takes a toll on your body. Plus next summer I will be getting reading for our wedding in August. I really tried to get out of it this year, but everyone is still going (all the wives) so I could not say no. It always feels good to see people that you have not seen in a while. Now just wish me luck on the trip with my poor ankle!
Do you and your friends or significant other still have college traditions?
Any good shoe recommendations for peroneal tendonitis?